We will work with businesses and organizations to meet their short, medium and longer term needs - with clear communication only within your business as directed.
Geoffrey Ferster Associates' services can be arranged through retainers, projects and special engagements.
The value proposition we provide decision makers is to keep their organization and business on the competitive edge. In the dynamic global economic environment we enable them to protect and grow their bottom line. Geoffrey Ferster Associates creates solid sustainable results - performing with equal agility in private, public, domestic, international and global businesses.
Key benefits of Business Economic Intelligence™ to decision makers include: clearly framing the issues using essential economic tools and evidence to narrow possible options, presenting optimum actions through a specifically designed framework and directly linking implementation decisions to operations. Performance and results of the plan and operations are monitored to assure continuous and strengthened impact.
Protect and grow your bottom line!
Our Business Economic Intelligence™ services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Economic Advice: Client businesses are kept apprised of economic/financial and other related cultural, political, policy, regulatory and market trends that impact their operations in selective countries and throughout the world.
- Make quarterly forecasts affecting company's markets.
- Third party reviews of new project initiatives and strategies to justify financing.
- Assess and manage political, economic and financial risk for global and specific international markets
- Global Policies and Practices: Develop policies and best practices for high performing international and globalization efforts.
- Finance and Payments: Work with international clients, banks and other financing agencies to secure contracts and overcome payment problems. Also, formulate budgets and financing options leading to successful, cost-effective projects.
- Business/Project Development: Assess opportunities and develop successful relationships with international partners that will lead to multi-year portfolios for future investment and growth.
- Operations and Management: Lead inter-disciplinary international teams to build effective, profitable, productive, high impact and sustaining operations. Coordinate resources among organizational units to achieve timely responses and targeted objectives.
- International Envoy: Design effective strategies and, together with clients, conduct successful negotiations with international colleagues and partners on current and protracted issues for the businesses.
- International Speaker: Provide timely, candid, well researched, insightful presentations and commentaries on a wide variety of current and foreseeable trends/issues.
We welcome your questions and comments. Contact Us