Priority One of Geoffrey Ferster, Ph. D. is to share his broad spectrum of economics and understanding of ways to solve current and future real world issues for decision makers and managers in business and government. Dr. Ferster's career continues to be directed towards this pursuit. He has lived in countries worldwide and successfully addressed highly complex problems and designed robust models that have produced solid and profitable results for many years. Dr. Ferster is an agent of continuous change; his antennas are used to see the road ahead more clearly as he works with senior decision makers worldwide to provide solutions to their problems/issues.
Geoffrey Ferster's earliest memories include his strong interest in economics and how the world works. This emphasis evolved into his passion for applied economics that has dominated his career.
- During his undergraduate years, Geoffrey had the opportunity to spend a year at the London School of Economics and Political Science. This provided Geoffrey a worldwide breadth; and he also took the 'rucksack' Grand European Tour.
- Thereafter, he completed a B.A. in Economics at the University of Minnesota. He was one of the first urban-based students to complete an M.S. in Agricultural Economics (currently Agricultural and Applied Economics), also at the University of Minnesota, with an emphasis in Land Economics.
- Dr. Ferster completed his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, majoring in Land Economics/Regional Economic Development at Cornell University.
After completing his Ph.D., Dr. Ferster worked at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania for two years - focusing on regional agricultural development in several areas of the country and training students in field analysis techniques.
- The next appointment was at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom where Dr. Ferster became Senior Lecturer, specializing on health economics, policy and management in the British National Health Service (NHS) for six years.
- After completing quantitative studies in public health policies, preventive and medical care, and the financing of the NHS established his foundation to make significant contributions in the developing and more developed countries health cares systems. Dr. Ferster published thirty-five papers, many in refereed journals.
- Dr. Ferster as Team Leader, health economist and planner for the World Health Organization worked in the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Planning Unit, for five years. Dr. Ferster focused on health economics including Primary Health Care, policy reforms, program resource allocations, public/private financing options - all within the social-cultural context of economic development that directly impacts people and their communities.
- Participating in these complex systems provided Dr. Ferster pragmatic models to define; then address and provide solutions to problems and Best Practices on a wide variety of applied economic and management issues faced in most sectors and many countries/locales worldwide.
Consultant/Advisor Focus:
For 34 years, Dr. Ferster has been the owner/principal of a consulting and advisory service, with the focus applying economics to business decisions.
- He has been privileged to work on repeated assignments with senior colleagues at The World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID, University of Michigan, Harvard University of International Development and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) on four continents, in Ghana, Indonesia, Jordan, Malawi, Nepal, New Zealand, the Palestinian Authority, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, and Turkey. He serves as a Chief Economic Advisor to several USA businesses.
- Projects and assignments included: assess global and macroeconomic trends likely to impact businesses and agencies, strategic planning linked to operations at field level with transparent private and public financing, design/conduct monitoring and evaluation, and lead teams in multicultural settings for $50 million - $6 billion projects.
- See the Client & Case Studies page for distilled description of projects, lesson learned and benefits for businesses, government agencies and organizations.
Dr. Ferster has gained premier international experience and applied excellent problem solving and communication skills with significant success. Given dynamic economic environments, Dr. Ferster seeks to impact businesses, organizations and the world through applied economics.
- Dr. Ferster's approach is to apply thought processes to clearly frame the issues; then design robust models, using business economic intelligence to address the causes of problems/issues. This includes the assessment and management of risks that provide significant and sustained opportunities to decision makers and senior managers.
- Dr. Ferster looks forward to future challenges and opportunities in the globalize world with balanced trade initiatives. Among others, these include: designing commercialization strategies and strengthen operational management for specific bio-agricultural, bio-medical and medical device advances, with financing and trade policies that - will constructively impact business, sustain environmental development, governments and people worldwide.
- Some years ago was clear to me that my greatest contribution to concerned citizens, students, half the world’s population (3.5 Billion people) and people working in the Development Industry was to take a hiatus from working on a variety of international projects and write a book, The Sincere Veneer: What Drives the Development Industry Off the Rails and How to Get It Back on Track – on why the development industry has not and will not delivered promised rewards. But by changing the architecture and operating system with key institutional changes among the supplier of funds and within countries could provide durable and high value results for the country and its poorest citizens. The book’s framework, analyses an example becomes a manual to design, implement, manage existing and new projects. It helps people interested in poverty alleviation, economic development and international affairs see through the mists and self-serving sensationalism that so often engulf the reporting of current events. Discover the tools to focus on core issues and investigate them productively. www.sincereveneer.com
- Contact Dr. Ferster to talk about the possibilities that could strengthen your current initiatives and reforms to enhance the future direction of your organization. Dr. Ferster can work with your teams to significantly improve the performance, effectiveness and impact of your current portfolio of projects and new projects.
Also See: Travels